
Friday, February 28, 2025

The Picture

The Picture

Don Bradley 3-1-25

The thing about pictures, painted or photographed is, what makes them of moment and at the same time, eternal, is capturing the soul present in the moment. The sky, environment, desert or city, the soul of all one's eyes lands on has soul, spirit. The good painter, the seeing photographer shoots what his or her soul perceives, translating that seeing into something any other can see as presented.

Some people see a pretty picture. Or see strife, emotion, or violence, depending. Even in these traumatic scenes the same applies- seek the out living presence in the moment, His Divine Spark – in the people, sky, trees, flowers, birds, and the very ground itself. In each every changing moment, there is soul of life being expressed in all things.

Let your hand paint that, your camera capture that.

That's how you contact the divine, first within yourself, but also, in the world around you and in the very Heavens Above. And in Dad.

Of course.

Look for the living presence in things and living things. They're all like you. On their path, at their level of being, in a world created by the Word, Yeshua. When you acknowledge that in the reality given to you to see, know, love, be, yourself and in all that you see about you. 

Also, this. The heart must, must be one keyed to loving that which you see, even if repellant, in spite of yourself. He loves all He has made. The heart must be keying to that kind of love or the seeing of the soul in all that is, brings sorrow. A deep sorrow without respite.

You have stepped into that fuller life with Him. And there is little Earth can further teach you.

These are the places the Straight Way brings you, as a soul.


PS. In many ways, the tomfoolery of our lives must give way to the things that matter. Letting the surface and petty fall away to be replaced by the things of moment, in  body and soul. Just saying. That's how one leaves Babylon, when even trapped inside its walls. 

Ask Daniel. He found this straight way and walked it. So did Shad, Mesh, and Abed. And they were ground central of evil incarnate in this world at one time.