
Monday, September 12, 2022

2 more days

 Judges 9

8The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us. 

  9But the olive tree said unto them, Should I leave my fatness, wherewith by me they honour God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? 

  10And the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign over us. 

  11But the fig tree said unto them, Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to be promoted over the trees? 

  12Then said the trees unto the vine, Come thou, and reign over us. 

  13And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? 

  14Then said all the trees unto the bramble, Come thou, and reign over us. 

  15And the bramble said unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, then come and put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.

Trusting in man instead of our Most High God YHVH, is a terrible mistake. Turn away from men and trust in Him. In all the things of  your life, as to every detail. A man who acts wisely, is then blessed with a straight path through evil to everlasting righteousness.
