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A sunny day in Yeshua's Blessing |
The demonic reality Part Two
Don Bradley Tishrei 15 2021
Friends, I can only talk and share about what I know and have experienced. There is a great deal I have not. Regards the demonic, I'm grateful for that. I had my fill of this blather a long time ago. I can do without it in its entirety and cannot wait for the day when that reality, ends. Dad's way is the Best Way, following Yeshua's path, He laid down for us. Plus, it's pretty awesome.
John 15
1I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
2Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
3Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Abilities of Demons
Lower-demonic powers:
Telekinesis as used by a demon can influence an object's movement with their mind. Witches count on demons to do them small favors, like changing street lights, turning lights on or off, and the like. They can also make objects as weapons roll in front of your car at night, spill your coffee, etc. But not always. Dad's children are often protected from such things and they never know it; till now at least. If it is allowed, it is to awaken and teach of some nearby danger (a friend who is really your enemy, for example. If you are paying attention.) or better still, to awaken you to the real play of earth, regarding the two bloodlines and the astral/etheric realms (as happened to myself.) Demons do a thousand and one little tasks like that, and with modern cell phones much of this activity is caught on camera. They are admonished to never reveal these “powers” to anyone outside the coven, unless ordered to do so. But, stuff happens and often, we are witness to this fact of life.
Modern stage magicians build whole careers in this way, astounding millions and reaping enormous financial gains, as well as fame. Orson Wells when doing talk shows would demonstrate this by doing card tricks, where he never touched the sealed a plastic pack, from across the room, and could perfectly call out the card without so much as a glance in their direction; there are many videos out there of him doing just that (all your heroes are falling, one of my jobs). Another big trick is having someone write their name on a slip of paper, which went into the person's pocket, untouched by anyone save the person writing. They then have them pick an orange or apple from ANYWHERE in a basket and then hand them a knife to cut it open; inside, the paper with their signed name was within. Demons can do this level of reality manipulation. This should reveal a great deal to the reader about how much of reality can be manipulated by the demonics and their human hosts. (This reality is no joke. Folks are blind to the real play of Earth. And these are serious times we are in. Don)Superhuman Strength and Enhanced Endurance - While hosting a demonic entity, a neph hybrid's body can be made to perform extraordinary feats and resist damage. Modern sports legends who have these astounding records of amazing skills in the game are the result of the demons doing the perfect long pass; the amazing full court, over the shoulder ball toss that hoops every time; the unbeatable long distance bicyclist or runner. They are lauded as the best of the best, unbeatable, super stars. Sure. And no one is the wiser. Well, not NO ONE.
However, when the demon leaves, the host often is disgraced, gets some life killing illness, or is killed in some spectacular way (a blood sacrifice); the price they knew they had to pay, for all that sex, money, fame, and a place in the history books. Lou Gehrig, Kobe Bryant, Tom Brady—all of them and others, are all nephilim hybrids, coven members, and hand selected for their place in the moonlight.Demonic Possession— In the Canaanite reality, all of them are possessed on different levels. Only those who are of no value to Satan are growling, drooling, madmen; writhing around on the ground and going berserker on the world. The entirety of them all is they appear as we do; because the possession is limited to beguile the souls of the damned while in the body in believing this possession is an asset. The endless serving of the human host to do the host's will furthers the lie that being of the beast is the blessing their kind receives. And for them, from their point of view, it gives them all they see their higher ups and peers having. Guaranteed career, money, homes, influence, star fire (Adamic blood from ritual) etc. And those nephys in the lower ranks know that by serving and obeying the high priest or priestess, is the only way they can get promoted into more money and power, the only two things they can get for their dark life on Earth. Every corporal wants to be a sergeant; every captain wants to be a major. Like that. The women all want to be Madonna or Gag me, Generals with power and wealth.
Upper-hierarchy powers:
Mind Control - Demons can influence and in some rare cases, control the actions of human beings.
Telekinesis - Some can influence an object's movement with their mind.
Telepathy - Demons have the ability to communicate with humans using their minds.
Dream walking - Can enter human dreams in order to communicate with them. They do not need to know where the person is to use this ability.
A voice or voices, constantly chatting it up sub-voco, in their head. ALL acolytes of Satan of any race, creed, or brand hear the voices. All of them have this on some level (covenites). That witch cop you are talking to, has voice whispering ( they hear it as a whisper) in their ear, giving them the lowdown on you. And that's all of them, even your nephy wife you don't know about.
Healing - Can heal people in a second or more usually, it's the demonic that is the source of the illness, if allowed by Adonai. When people finally get the GREAT TRUTH that all sickness and illness has at its source the demonic realm, a great Rubicon will have been passed in our growth as a people. It is so revealed in the bible constantly; even in the first book of the Holy Word, Job, it is revealed that it is Satan, not our Father, who brings misery and sickness to Job. This is demonstrated countless times. Even Yeshua when healing a person would say to the sickness, “leave him or her.” A sickness or illness causation is obvious to anyone with mid grade clairvoyance or better.
Demonic Possession. Already discussed.
Control over animals. Demons can and do cause animals to attack people, places, things, as they deem it so. This has happened to me countless times, but then Yeshua steps in and ends it, right before the terrible moment that would have done me in. I've even mentioned some of these attacks in writing over the years. None have succeeded.
Telekinetic Destruction - Able to destroy objects with their mind. Pop light bulbs, causes doors to lock and unlock, mostly like that.
Overpower - Ability to overpower lesser demons. Absolutely. They have a system of hierarchy called ranks. Just like the military the world has today.
- Heaven has choirs of angels of different degrees;
- the lower astral has ranks they call the hierarchy.
Sedation - Ability to make humans unconscious by placing two fingers on their foreheads; if they are none with Dad (our Father and Yeshua). This shows up on ghost adventure videos, from time to time. Most of those people are witches; regular folks should shun such things; they are out of their depth in every way.
Special Abilities
Abilities that are rare among the demon hierarchy and that only extremely powerful demons have.
Resurrection – These nephilim souls, thus resurrected, are often empty shells, having no nafesh worthy of the word. The demonic itself is the nafesh. This section requires its own articles to convey this idea more clearly and with cogent understanding.
Other Forms of Telekinesis:
Mental Infliction - Causing harm to a human and other demons through thought. Headaches, pain in certain endocrine glands related to some sin (abortion- uterus and Fallopian pain is usually demonic. Like that.)
Psychokinesis - Able to set a human, another demon, or an object on fire through thought. A common and much videoed feat of these things. Getting demons to start little fires is a favorite giggle past time for witches, for some reason. Another thing I've observed...the fires these demons start don't actually burn the thing that's burning. I've seen cloth at kill sites blaze away; then, when through invoking the Holy Spirit, the fire and demon both disappear. Very often the rag, or cloth, or whatever had no burn marks on it. Most low grade witches cannot burn down a forest in such a way. For two reasons
- ONE. As stated, the fire is more a demonic creation, not based on a fire consuming fuel, making carbon ash.
- TWO. To do so, like a building, would bring upon the witch instant causal effect upon their life path, in horrifying extremes. They know this. And if a coven were harmed in any way from their playful little vicious streak of "fun" they know the retribution from their kind would be swift and severe and forever. It's why it doesn't happen all the live long day. Thankfully.
Electrokinesis - Ability to manipulate electricity, causing problem with circuitry resulting in (i.e. example) light bulbs to explode.
Cryokinesis - Capable of freezing objects by walking through them. The presence of demons and the like are often noticed, for the laity, as cold spots or the temperature suddenly dropping several degrees. Remember. Demonics are like the moon; a cold, life stealing force. They have NOTHING to give; they only take. Your life force, your health, your spirit, your happiness, your joy...and one day, your freedom, if you allow too much of their influence to dictate your character and actions. Many prisons are filled with men and women whose actions were wholly guided by the demonic.
Weather Manipulation - Changing of the weather by thought or if the demon is powerful enough through its mere presence. Some demons Use this ability as a means to create a 'calling card' for themselves.
Altering reality - Ability to create living beings, creatures, objects and imaginary realities out of nothing. Remember, in the main, these are etheric or astral illusions until you believe in it; then it becomes more material, all of it stolen from YOU.
Subconscious Manipulation - Like Altering Reality, except when dealing with a human's subconscious the demon can only manipulate the emotions and memories of the human that are already there. The demon cannot conjure fake memories/emotions that are not there, instead they enhance them. Intensifying to bend and twist the human's mind in a way the demon sees fit. For myself, this is one of their more dangerous powers and happily, it takes an upper rank demon to pull it off, or this world would have never survived this long and I neither would have I.
Soul reading - By reaching into a human's chest, a demon can "read" and "see" everything the human is about. Their past, memories, their thoughts, emotions, relationships and their dreams. This procedure is very painful for the human, but leaves little physical damage. ALL demons can soul read; which is what mystics, witches, psychics, tarot card readers, and the like use to get the dope on someone to then manipulate and influence them. I see countless women—and the bulk of them are women—going and listening to these soul reading witches to get life advice. Tony Robbins and the like are soul readers using demons. AND it is ALL OF THESE PUBLIC FIGURES who go give amazing lectures and private sessions, using the easy-peasy soul reading powers of their demonic presences to provide the 411 on folks.
Yeshua's people, who have been granted these real gifts (no demon required, just the Holy Spirit) never advertise as such; never take a payment for such; and refuse to so guide people along any of those paths. Real clairvoyants with the Holy Spirit only ever advise a deep repentance and relationship with the Most High Adonai. These gifts are real and are of the person. Nephilim lose all their powers when the demons leave them. Dad's people are given these gifts that are forever; because they have been tested in every circumstance to do His Will and never abuse such gifts for any reason. In point of fact, they are spiritually unable, because their character is such that it reflects the freewill light of the Spirit of Yeshua to never interfere or to do such things for profit, fame, ego, or SELF. These are rare indeed, but we do exist. Demons CANNOT READ THOSE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. PERIOD. Believe me, they wish they could.
Vulnerabilities & Preventive Measures
Preventing possession and location (I do all of these, from time to time.)
Exorcism - When a demon is exorcised via ritual, it returns to Hell or other places as discussed in Part One.
An open Bible in a room usually dissuades dark spirits from hanging around. It's like a fiery beacon; it burns them.
A candle blessed with in the Name of Yeshua or YHVH.
Incense such as Frankincense and Myrrh blessed with in the Name of Yeshua or YHVH.
Hindering Demons
Holy Water – Great for cleansing, clearing, reclaiming, and pissing off the demonic.
Blessed Salt - Most cannot cross sucj a line of salt and they feel intense pain when they come in contact with it.
Demon trap - A symbol that is marked on the floor or ceiling that can trap a demon within it. Usually this involves knowing the demon's sigil, drawing a circle, and placing a bible over the encircled sigil. It's best not to mess about with this kind of thing unless you know what you are doing. Really. Don't.
Certain Crystals; amethysts blessed in the name of Christ they generally avoid. Amethyst is also the crystal on the High Priest's Breastplate of Righteousness, as revealed in the Holy Word.