The plague hits those evil shites who ruin society the most, phreaks and phags. The plague is going to get rid of all your Moloch worshipping freaks by December. There is no vaccine for VAIDS. There are no such things as vaccines, period. Just weapons to take down Edomite's enemies - gentiles and Judahites.
At least this time, the thing is real and not a hoax, like the corona scam of 2 years ago.
Enjoy the plague degenerate child molesters. |
Over 181 school teachers who are phreaks and phags are under arrest this month alone for pedophilia. |
Sanpaku eyes of a killer, check; tongue out signaling a witch, check; targets 2 year olds and up, check; has child molestation record, check; serves no time as coven judges release their own kind, check. Yeah, we have a winner. |
It's 100% of them. It's why edomites and covens push them into schools and churches. |
If you allow this nasty skank near your children, YOU are actually the problem. |